The Light Conference

 Hey guys, quick question?

If you are living in the Charlotte, Concord area did you know that they have a women's conference in Concord every year? No, well me either.

Recently I was invited to this all women's conference call The Light Conference. When going in as Mrs. Jacinda intern, I thought I would be setting her table up and selling her books. Instead I got so much more out of it.

In the beginning it is a few mingling and they have these vendors. The vendors were selling amazing stuff like jewelry, clothes, books, and more. It was so much that I wanted to buy and a lot of the vendors were working with nonprofits so they money were going to great causes. That was a whole experience in itself, but now we get to the fun part. 

After an hour or so with the vendors, we go into the sanctuary where the opening started. It started with a little worship and we had a speaker. By the time we got back to the second worship song, all I knew was, I was in tears. They made me feel so comfortable to sing, cry, shout dance you name it. 

Without going into the breakout sessions yet, I already knew that it was meant for me to be in that conference that day. I really needed that and didn't know it. I have recently stepped back into faith mid October with praying and reading my bible and this event complemented my faith.

Some of the speakers that we had in the opening and I would just love to say that I LOVED HER!!! Not to be biased but I met her in Mrs. Jacinda and Flyty's media class and seeing her use her gift for the first time was just amazing. She also was a vendor so please check out her unique handmade earrings as well as her talent:          

The event planner came to speak and she said one thing that really stuck with me and that was. "Being conformed in Gods image, not the worlds" I really liked this because we see ourself trying to be like others that we see. When in reality we were made in Gods image so thats who we should try to be like. 

Before breakout rooms you know Mrs. Jacinda had to come SHUT. IT. DOWN!!!! 

She gave us a little sneak peak of what she was going to be talking about in her breakout room but talk about "Walking in your purpose". Every time I hear Mrs. Jacinda speak, I always feel like I can do anything possible. She was able to give a few gems on how to find your purpose but all that good stuff is in her "Uniquely Qualified" book. 

I'll give y'all one gem that Mrs. Jacinda gave us that really stuck with me and that was: "Say yes and let God do the rest." This is all about a matter if believe that GOD (claps) Got (claps) YOU (claps)!!!!! He got you, you just have to trust believe he got you and thats all I'm about to say because my mentor is the best so y'all might want to tap into while you can. 
