How to Package Yourself and Get Paid: Media Class w/ Mrs. Jacinda and FlyTy

     Hello fellow bloggers and readers, 

Before I dive into the media class, I would just like to say the last homework assignment I did was how to captivate your audience and I did that at my fathers barber shop. I went by there the other day and one of the guys that works there said he's been following my methods and they really have been working for him. He's not letting anyone rob him of a good day or his happiness. That made my day because Im speaking thinking no one is really listening but really, Im changing the world one head at a time. 

    This media class though! If you missed it, you missed a good one but that's ok. I've learned how to take my talents and use them to make a profit. Not only the profit but they also taught us how to charge. Im currently not a speaker going to events and getting booked for gigs but some people are in the class and I just thought it was really good how FlyTy and Mrs. Jacinda were able to help these individuals make money from what they love to do.     

    One of my favorite parts of the class was when they told us "See yourself how they see you". I felt that in my soul because sometimes we can sell ourselves short and we don't recognize our own talents. Also what I love about being around them is, they see my worth when I don't see my own. 

    Mrs. Jacinda asked me what I thought of the class and I thought it was a really good class with golden information. The only problem was, I felt like it didn't pertain to me... At least not yet. I felt I wasn't at that  level of charging people of anything because I am still in the searching phase. I am on a journey to find my niche and when I find it; its going to be GREAT !!

                                                                            So stay tuned!
