My First Homework Assignment from Mrs.Jacinda and FlyTY

 Hello readers, 

    I just want to say thank you to the people who actually read my blogs, it's amazing going from 0 to 1. It feels nice knowing that you have someone reading your work. But that's not what I came here to talk about today.

    So check this out guys, the last class was on captivating your audience and we had to do a 5 min talk with an audience of our choice and I chose to go to my dads barbershop because its always an audience in there and I knew 2 people out of the crowd including my dad.

    Let's start with the prep, when I started preparing for this it took me about 5 days to first figure out what I wanted to talk about. After I finally figured it out I had to practice this and I remember how Mrs. Jacinda taught us that even water is broken down to H2O. So I took this 5 min speech and made about 4 bullets points to help me get through it. 

    This was the fun part. So when I actually go to my dads shop, I see more people than I expected. I expected to speak in front of 3 people that I all knew instead I spoke in front of 6 people that I didn't know and just before starting two more people walked in. 

    I was really nervous. Im not sure why I was so nervous. Ive been told that my nervousness never show but boy I sure can feel it. Not only internally, externally. When I get nervous before speaking in front of people, I get really hot. I start to sweat,  and that doesn't show on my face thank the lord. When speaking to them, It felt like it was really rushed so I didn't know how to slow it down. I made it to four minutes but doing this really took me out of my comfort zone. Im not shy to talk or speak to people. It took me out my comfort zone because I had to speak to a group of people. 

   I highly encourage people to go watch it, I had a really good message and feel as if it can be for anyone. 

The best part from all of this was I didn't know I was speaking in front of a reverend. I after I told him that I was doing a homework assignment on how to captivate my audience and he ask "Well how do you captivate a room". I told him everything I learned in class and having Mrs. Jacinda and Flyty give me these gems, they were spot on with it because everything they taught me in class, the reverend said thats what he learned in ministry school. So it was really amazing to see these things correspond with each other. It Shows that they are giving real information to help us in the class and I love it. 

Heres the link to my homework assignment ! Super open to feedback. 
